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Buy Bitcoin with iTunes Gift Card


Updated: Oct 12, 2024

Learn how to buy Bitcoin with iTunes Gift Card instantly and anonymously through Jour Cards. iTunes gift cards are in the Top-3 gift cards that can be used in exchange for crypto, along with Amazon Gift Cards and Walmart Gift Cards .

Can you Buy Bitcoin with iTunes Gift Card ?

Yes, you can buy Bitcoin with iTunes Gift Cards using a P2P Crypto Exchange. If you are having trouble buying crypto with an iTunes gift card, this guide below will show you where to start to complete the process. Bitcoin (BTC), for instance, is not available for buying with iTunes gift cards on all cryptocurrency exchanges. It would be best to find the most suitable, if not the best platform to satisfy your buying and selling needs.

Its important to understand what gift cards are before using Apple's iTunes Gift Card to buy btc. Also known as vouchers, gift cards are convenient for purchasing products online and in physical stores without spending real cash. You can give them to friends or relatives anonymously as gifts or use them to shop. A company such as Apple stores prepaid money in this form to give shoppers a more affordable shopping alternative.

iTunes gift cards can be redeemed through various methods such as online or in walk-in stores depending on the retailers terms and conditions. Specific policies of the company and how it operates are also significant. In essence, gift cards have a numeric code system that runs them. You get a pin code when you redeem your iTunes e-Card at checkout with purchases. The code automatically deducts the points matching the price of your product instead of spending real money with your debit card.

As for physical iTunes gift cards, you will have to purchase a barcode and generate its printout copy. You save and present it to the iTunes retailer any time you go shopping in the store and pay for your products.

Digital assets are becoming popular in our world today as they are genuinely representing this digital era when many activities can be achieved through the online space.

Cryptocurrency and gift cards are the two common digital assets we can trade for each other or cash. Therefore, you may need to know how to convert an iTunes gift card to Bitcoin.

Over the years, traditional finance has taken over the market by converting physical assets like gold and silver into cash or in exchange for other precious metals. But the narrative has changed today as digital assets have been challenging the status quo of the traditional global market, owing to the real-time value of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin trading at a price higher than gold.

At the time of writing this article, the price of BTC is over $30,000, hence having a bullish run with increasing market sentiment. Therefore, crypto enthusiasts may want to lock into the great value of Bitcoin by trading or investing in the coin. But while you can use cash to buy Bitcoin, you can also convert your gift card to Bitcoin – one of which is the iTunes gift card.

What Are iTunes Gift Cards?

An iTunes gift card is a prepaid card of stored value that you can use to make payments for digital content on the Apple store. As such, users of Apple devices rely exclusively on Apple for the various digital content like music, apps, e-books, and movies they enjoy on their Apple devices. Therefore, the iTunes gift card is the specialized payment card to buy this content, including iTunes music. So while you can not use your Nigerian ATM cards to make Apple music subscriptions, you can use your iTunes card to achieve that.

 iTunes gift card exists in both the physical card and E-codes, with denominations ranging from $10 to $500. These cards have real-time value as iTunes gift card has one of the best rates.  The iTunes gift card is very different from the Apple Store gift card; while you can buy anything (both software and hardware) from the iTunes and Apple Store with your Apple gift card, you can only use your iTunes gift card to purchase digital content or software.

Furthermore, iTunes gift cards are helpful for various reasons, and they include:

  • Shop conveniently on the Apple Store

  • Give as a gift to loved ones

  • Sell iTunes gift cards for fiat currency (naira or cedi) or cryptocurrency (BTC, USDT, DOGE, ETH,  or LTC)

This means it is of your volition to use your iTunes card as you choose.

However, it should be noted that one of the best ways to make money online is by trading digital assets like Bitcoin and gift cards. Hence the need to know the possibilities of earning more funds when you sell any of these assets.  To this end, the real-time value of digital assets like iTunes gift cards and Bitcoin position them as an excellent trading strategy to maximize returns.

Why Convert iTunes Gift Card To Bitcoin?

You may wonder why people consider converting their iTunes gift card to Bitcoin. The answer to this question depends on the motive of the user, but the two main reasons for this could be;

1. Not all Bitcoin investors own Apple devices

iTunes gift cards are mainly used on the iTunes and Apple store by Apple users. Therefore, when a Bitcoin trader or investor can’t use the iTunes card at its store, there is more possibility that the trader or investor will find a way to convert the iTunes gift card to Bitcoin.

2. Bitcoin seems to be a better store of value

Many people convert their iTunes gift card to Bitcoin because of the BTC price, which has a steep increase in gift cards. So, when they convert the iTunes gift card to Bitcoin, they have a high chance of making profits from the volatility of Bitcoin. For instance, Bitcoin that currently trades at over $30,000 may increase above that mark before the end of the day, thereby spelling fortune for investors that decide to sell their BTC.

How To Convert iTunes Gift Card To Bitcoin with Jour Cards!

Unless you have never used a smartphone before, it is straightforward to convert the iTunes gift card to Bitcoin. This process has been simplified and enabled on our platform. Therefore, you can convert your iTunes gift card on Jour Cards at the best rate, and your Bitcoin will be sent to your Bitcoin in a few minutes.

The following are the simple steps to convert your iTunes card to Bitcoin on Jour Cards :

Once you enter your address, the Bitcoin value of your iTunes gift card will be displayed on the screen. This is calculated using the automated rate calculator on our platform according to the current rates and of course, the best rates , as Jour Cards is offering 90% of the iTunes Gift Card value.

  • Finally, click ” Proceed Exchange iTunes” to pay in a 72 Hours.

What Cryptocurrency will you get when Exchanging iTunes Gift Cards With Jour Cards!

Jour Cards exchange , will exchange any gift card to the following :

With Jour Cards Store you can now exchange your unused iTunes gift cards to cash or to several payment methods we provide from our side. We can exchange your card to Bitcoin, Perfect money, WebMoney, PayPal and other payment methods which will be updated according to our clients requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What App Can I Buy Bitcoin With iTunes Gift Card?

There are different apps for buying Bitcoin with iTunes gift cards, but the best app to convert gift cards to Bitcoin. This is owed to our astounding achievement as one of the best gift trading platforms in Nigeria and Ghana, and by extension, Africa. Therefore, you can use the Jour Cards app on your mobile devices and sell your iTunes gift cards for Bitcoin.

What Cards Can Buy Bitcoin?

It is noteworthy that you can use your prepaid cards to buy Bitcoin. This includes gift cards and other payment cards like Visa cards and MasterCard. Some popular gift cards you can use to buy Bitcoin are iTunes gift cards, Amazon gift cards, Google Play gift cards, Steam gift cards, American Express (AMEX) gift cards, etc.

The functionality of these cards harps their real-time value, which you can exchange for fiat currencies or cryptocurrencies.


Cryptocurrency and gift cards are digital assets that are the best alternative to cash. This is due to their potential for an increase in value, unlike the money you hold. This is why selling your iTunes gift card for Bitcoin is the best alternative to receiving cash. The volatility feature of these assets makes them more lucrative.

However, it is essential to know where and how to convert your iTunes card to BTC to maximize profit. Therefore, Jour Cards is the most reliable and credible platform to sell gift cards for cryptocurrency.

Why Convert iTunes Gift Card To Bitcoin ,What Are iTunes Gift Cards ,Can you Buy Bitcoin with iTunes Gift Card  ,Buy Bitcoin with iTunes Gift Card
Buy Bitcoin with iTunes Gift Card


1 comentário

29 de jan.

Наше уявлення про новини та інформаційний прострі вже давно змінилося, наразі нам потрібні не просто новини, а цілі гайди та тематичні матеріали, котрі зможуть нам розповісти більше про ту, чи іншу тематику. Для такого потрібно використовувати якісний новинний портал, котрий у свою чергу зможе надати якісні та перевірені новини. За допомогою новинного порталу, я завжди перебуваю в інформаційному просторі, та саме завдяки його роботі зміг більше дізнатися про криптобіржу Binance, котра є головною біржею світу по крипті, а також багато нюансів її використання. Загалом, я за короткий проміжок часу зміг так багато дізнатися про світ криптовалют, а також про головні правила та нововедення, котрі дуже важливі, якщо казати про регулярні взаємодії з криптою. Дуже вдячний за їх…

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